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collective agreement是什么意思
发布时间:2020-12-09 作者: 英语查
collective agreement 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | [bargaining] (劳资间的)集体协定[合同]。
| | | collective: adj. 集合的;聚合性的;共同的,集体的,集团的。 c ... | | agreement: n. 1.一致,同意。 2.契约;协约,协定。 3.【语 ... | |
| contract between labor and management governing wages and benefits and working conditions 同义词:labor contract, labor agreement,
A collective agreement or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is an agreement between employers and employees which regulates the terms and conditions of employees in their workplace, their duties and the duties of the employer. It is usually the result of a process of collective bargaining between an employer (or a number of employers) and a trade union representing workers. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Except as specifically provided in this law , the provisions of the civil code shall govern the fulfillment of a collective agreement 关于团体协约之履行,除本法有特别规定外,适用民法之规定。
| | 2. | Article 4 every collective agreement shall be submitted by either or both of the parties to the competent authority for approval 第4条(呈请认可)团体协约应由当事人双方或一方呈请主管官署认可。
| | 3. | If a collective agreement provides for a longer period of notice than that specified in the preceding paragraph , such provision shall prevail 团体协约所规定之通知期间较前项规定期间为长者,依其规定。
| | 4. | Accordingly , the board seeks changes to the collective agreement which would increase efficiency and allow for better policing service 因此,委员会要通过新的劳资合同来提高警务效率和把执法服务做的更好。
| | 5. | It is a legal procedure of signing collective agreement by negotiating between the representatives of employers and workers 它是雇主代表和工人代表之间就劳动者的劳动条件进行谈判并签订集体协议的法律程序。
| | 6. | Time management allows you to represent all company agreements , collective agreement stipulations , and legal requirements the world over 时间管理允许你表现所有公司的协议,集中协议约束及世界各地的法律要求。
| | 7. | Article 23 a collective agreement may be concluded for a fixed period or an indefinite period or for the period of time necessary to complete certain work 第23条(存续种类)团体协约得以定期、不定期、或一定之工作为期订立之。
| | 8. | Article 7 every employer bound by a collective agreement shall post up the text of the agreement in a conspicuous position at the place of work 第7条(揭示义务)雇主受团体协约之拘束者,应将团体协约于工作场所易见之处揭示之。
| | 9. | Except the provisions of the preceding paragraph , the contracting parties to a collective agreement independently acquire . the rights and perform the duties thereunder 团体协约当事人除前项规定外,各自独立取得权利、负担义务。
| | 10. | It is a chief feature that " collective labor rights " are the main content of modem labor law , and collective agreement ( ca ) is at the core of modem labor law too 以集体劳权为主要内容是现代劳动法的主要特点,集体合同也成为现代劳动法的核心。
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